New Fall Adventures for Your Family in KC!
Hey Graceway Families,

Fall is here, and we’ve got some exciting, fresh ways to enjoy the season with your kiddos! 🎃 Whether you’re planning to revisit a favorite tradition or try something completely new, this time of year is perfect for making memories and spending quality time together.

Family Fun Spotlight: Discover Something New This Fall! Kansas City has so much to offer, from exploring hidden gems like lesser-known pumpkin patches to discovering unique local festivals. Check out this list of 101 fun fall activities here and see if you can find something you’ve never tried before!

Fall Family Challenge:

  • Switch It Up: Try picking a new fall tradition this year—whether it’s making your own apple cider, taking a hayride at a farm you haven’t visited before, or discovering a new hiking trail.
  • Family Bonding Moment: While you’re out having fun, ask your kids how they see God’s handiwork in the changing seasons and what new blessings they’ve noticed this fall.
  • Scripture Reflection: Romans 1:20 – “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made.” Use this as a conversation starter about how God reveals His beauty in nature.
Talk About This One Thing: “What’s something new we can try as a family this fall, and how can we invite others to join in the fun?”

Whether you’re seeking fresh adventures or creating new family traditions, there’s so much to enjoy in Kansas City this season. Let’s get out there, make new memories, and experience fall in a way that brings your family closer together!


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